Special Issue dedicated to the memory of E.L. Aero and Gerard Maugin. Based on presentations of Mini Symposium "Nonlinear wave dynamics of generalized continua" APM-XLV, June 2017, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Год: 2018
Том: 35
Выпуск: 1
Страниц: 189
Последние выпуски
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 6
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 5
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 4
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 3
Plane longitudinal waves in a liquid saturated porous geometrically nonlinear medium
- 2
- 1124
- Страницы: 10-15
Localized lump-soliton-like excitations in triangular Morse lattices
- 9
- 1300
- Страницы: 16-20
Nonlinear longitudinal magnetoelastic waves in a rod with account of damage in its material)
- 3
- 1296
- Страницы: 44-52
Do rotational waves really exist?
- 4
- 1142
- Страницы: 53-58
On the theory of a non-autonomous vibro-impact system with memory in the frictional force
- 3
- 1208
- Страницы: 59-65
On the influence of the microstructure on the stress-strain state of material
- 12
- 1335
- Страницы: 66-70
Graphane: discrete breathers for dehydrogenation
- 8
- 1489
- Страницы: 71-79
The nonlinear model of the librational dynamics of the paraffin crystal
- 3
- 1203
- Страницы: 80-86
Plane wave and fundamental solution in thermoporoelastic medium
- 3
- 1286
- Страницы: 101-114
Waves in anisotropic thermoelastic medium with phase lag, two-temperature and void
- 1
- 1241
- Страницы: 126-138
Operator approach to square lattice nonlinear dynamics
- 3
- 1164
- Страницы: 139-144
Multilayered scrolls of carbon nanoribbons
- 4
- 1036
- Страницы: 155-166
Nonlinear torsion dynamics of the n-paraffin crystal
- 2
- 1200
- Страницы: 167-174