Interface Controlled Materials. Pt.2
Год: 2000
Том: 2
Выпуск: 1
Страниц: 69
Последние выпуски
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 6
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 5
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 4
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 3
Microstructural Aspects of High and Low Tc Superconductors
- 6
- 1175
- Страницы: 1-9
Misfit Dislocation Walls in Films with Alternate Layers
- 2
- 1269
- Страницы: 10-14
Applications of High-Temperature Superconductors in Microwave Integrated Circuits
- 3
- 1217
- Страницы: 15-24
Thermodynamic Properties of the Systems Y(Ln)Ba2Cu3Ox
- 1
- 1258
- Страницы: 25-30
Nano-islands on Plastically Deformed Substrates with Disclinations
- 1
- 1381
- Страницы: 31-36
Grain Boundary Phase Transitions and their Influence on Properties of Polycrystals
- 1
- 1236
- Страницы: 37-41
Computer Simulation of Formation of Carbon Fullerenes
- 1
- 1329
- Страницы: 42-50
Microstructure Formation in the Framework of the Nonlocal Theory of Interfaces
- 1
- 1161
- Страницы: 51-62
Copper-Matrix Cu-HfO2 Nanocomposite Compacts of Full Density
- 2
- 1284
- Страницы: 63-69