Последние выпуски
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 6
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 5
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 4
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 3
Segregation of Mg to generic tilt grain boundaries in Al: Monte Carlo modeling
- 4
- 1165
- Страницы: 201-210
Elevated tribological characteristics of ultrafine grained conductive Cu-0.5Cr-0.2Zr alloy
- 1
- 1102
- Страницы: 211-217
Influence of structure refinement on electroplastic effect in shape memory TiNi alloys
- 3
- 1151
- Страницы: 218-223
Kinetics of grain refinement in metallic materials during large strain deformation
- 9
- 1200
- Страницы: 224-231
Microstructure, strength and fatigue of an ultrafine-grained Al-Cu-Mg alloy
- 1
- 1120
- Страницы: 232-238
Microstructure formation during inhomogeneous dynamic deformation produced by steel plates bonding
- 2
- 1192
- Страницы: 259-265
On the biological activity of silver nanoparticles
- 6
- 1374
- Страницы: 289-296