Study of the properties of Cu-containing polyacrylonitrile nanostructured gas-sensing films

  • 7
  • 863
  • Страницы: 109-117

Surface morphology study of gas-sensitive cobalt-containing polyacrylonitrile nanocomposite films

  • 4
  • 826
  • Страницы: 118-123

3D printing of flexible parts using EVA material

  • 35
  • 1282
  • Страницы: 124-132

Nonlinear optical characteristics of albumin and collagen dispersions with single-walled carbon nanotubes

  • 8
  • 892
  • Страницы: 133-139

Electrical conductivity of the nanocomposite layers for use in biomedical systems

  • 8
  • 939
  • Страницы: 140-145

Magnetic field sensor for non-invasive control medical implants

  • 4
  • 962
  • Страницы: 146-152

Layers with the tensoresistive properties and their possible applications in medicine

  • 3
  • 954
  • Страницы: 153-158

Piezoelectric based energy harvester embedded in shoe for wearable electronics

  • 10
  • 910
  • Страницы: 159-167

Analyzing the output characteristics of a double-console PEG based on numerical simulation

  • 5
  • 1139
  • Страницы: 168-175

Plastic forming model for axisymmetric shells

  • 3
  • 939
  • Страницы: 176-183

Investigation of the features of stress-strain state in layered cylindrical constructions, manufactured of transverse-isotropic materials, under pulse impact

  • 5
  • 985
  • Страницы: 184-191

Analysis of oscillation forms at defect identification in node of truss based on finite element modeling

  • 5
  • 1107
  • Страницы: 192-197

Microstructure modelling of bottom ash reinforced aluminum metal matrix composite with stress relaxation

  • 8
  • 818
  • Страницы: 198-204

Superplasticity of bottom ash reinforced aluminum metal matrix composite

  • 2
  • 843
  • Страницы: 205-211

Study of bottom ash reinforced aluminum metal matrix composite for automotive parts

  • 9
  • 846
  • Страницы: 212-217