Год: 2023
Том: 51
Выпуск: 2
Страниц: 186
Последние выпуски
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 6
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 5
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 4
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 3
Influence of rare earth elements on aluminium metal matrix composites: A review
- 107
- 1009
- Страницы: 1-20
The finite element analysis of crack tolerance in composite ceramics
- 76
- 965
- Страницы: 21-26
Halide-containing zinc borosilicate glass as a matrix for CsPbBr3 crystal
- 27
- 878
- Страницы: 27-35
Exact elastoplastic analysis of a rotating hollow cylinder made of power-law hardening material
- 22
- 742
- Страницы: 96-111
Finite-strain elastic-plastic torsion: comparison of von Mises and Tresca materials
- 29
- 772
- Страницы: 140-150
Mechanical behavior of structures welded with friction stir lap welding process
- 40
- 872
- Страницы: 151-163
Mechanical and tribological analysis of jute, cotton reinforced epoxy based hybrid composites
- 31
- 789
- Страницы: 164-176
Microstructural modeling of a TiNi beam bending
- 44
- 876
- Страницы: 177-186