Latest issues
- 2024, Volume 52 Issue 6
- 2024, Volume 52 Issue 5
- 2024, Volume 52 Issue 4
- 2024, Volume 52 Issue 3
Possible ways of forming mini-fullerenes and their graphs
- 2
- 1189
- Pages: 1-11
Classification of mini-fullerenes on graph basis
- 3
- 1153
- Pages: 12-17
Designing mini-fullerenes and their relatives on graph basis
- 4
- 1203
- Pages: 18-24
Isomers of fullerene C60
- 4
- 1197
- Pages: 25-32
Dissolution of fullerenes C60 and C70 in organic oils
- 8
- 1115
- Pages: 33-36
Investigation of electronic properties of Ni2MnGa and Co2MnGa Heusler alloys
- 6
- 1300
- Pages: 37-43
Surface topology of Fe-Si alloy in the laser radiation exposure
- 2
- 1059
- Pages: 56-61
Thermo-kinetic austenite transformation in thin-sheet steels
- 3
- 994
- Pages: 62-66