Effects of different factors on the heat conduction properties of carbon nanotubes

  • 37
  • 749
  • Страницы: 147-160

Study of the influence of structural heritage and operating conditions on the durability of safety valve springs from steel 50KHFA

  • 39
  • 727
  • Страницы: 161-174

Changes in rock permeability near-wellbore due to operational loads

  • 36
  • 711
  • Страницы: 175-183

Analysis of CuCrZr/316L(N) bimetallic joint with and without nickel interlayer for plasma-facing components

  • 23
  • 633
  • Страницы: 184-198

Experimental study of ductile and fragile pipe cracked in High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

  • 36
  • 736
  • Страницы: 199-207

Unstable plastic flow in structural materials: time series for analysis of experimental data

  • 25
  • 677
  • Страницы: 208-216

Experimental investigation of the mechanical behavior of honeycomb sandwich composite under three-point bending fatigue

  • 36
  • 661
  • Страницы: 217-231

Stability analysis of nanoscale surface patterns in ultrathin film coating

  • 19
  • 679
  • Страницы: 232-241

Failure analysis of semi-ellıptical crack behavior in the cement mantle of a total hip prosthesis

  • 33
  • 668
  • Страницы: 242-271

Glass formation and some physical properties in NaPO3 – LiF and NaPO3 – (0.4 AlF3 – 0.6 CaF2) systems

  • 21
  • 629
  • Страницы: 272-281

Mechanical properties of marble dust reinforced aluminum matrix structural composites fabricated by stir casting process

  • 38
  • 705
  • Страницы: 282-288

Study of polylactide 3D-printed samples with double-layer weave

  • 25
  • 622
  • Страницы: 289-299