The influence of gamma rays radiation on optically induced luminescence of copper-containing potassium-lithium-borate glass
The paper presents the results of potassium-lithium-borate glass containing copper ions investigations. The glass was irradiated by 1.25 MeV gamma rays. The dose of radiation was 360 Gy. The exciting of the irradiated glass at 360 nm led to the long-wavelength photoluminescence band shift from 635 nm to 671 nm in comparison with non-irradiated glass. A new luminescence band at 685 nm also appeared for excitation wavelength 405 nm in the irradiated glass. It has been assumed that the luminescence band in glass at 671 nm – 685 nm corresponds to the luminescence of copper ions in the modified environment of the first coordination sphere. Copper-containing luminescent structures in borate glass with the luminescence maximum at 671-685 nm have been obtained for the first time. For the detailed study of these luminescent centers properties, thorough study of the structural variations in the gamma rays irradiated glass is required.