Heteroepitaxy of Gallium Nitride Layers: the Role of Initial Stages in Film Formation

  • 6
  • 983
  • Страницы: 1-12

Nucleation Theory and Small System Thermodynamics

  • 10
  • 920
  • Страницы: 13-20

Kinetic and Thermodynamic Theories of Nucleation

  • 2
  • 878
  • Страницы: 21-33

Finite Size Effects on Surface Excess Quantities and Application to Crystal Growth and Surface Melting of Epitaxial Layers

  • 2
  • 813
  • Страницы: 34-42

Determination of Time Characteristics of Solidification of Supercooled Halide Melt from Measurements of its Electrical Conductivity

  • 1
  • 956
  • Страницы: 43-48

Semigrand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulation with Gibbs-Duhem Integration Technique for Alloy Phase Diagram

  • 2
  • 857
  • Страницы: 49-57

"Solution Heteroepitaxy" in the Formation of Epitaxial Films of II-VI Compounds under Highly Nonequilibrium Conditions

  • 1
  • 719
  • Страницы: 58-62

Multilayer Model of Solid-Liquid Interface: Metastability Limits and Non-Equilibrium Characteristics

  • 1
  • 717
  • Страницы: 63-66

Failure Time of Elastic Materials Submitted to a Constant Load

  • 1
  • 898
  • Страницы: 67-70

Highly Non-Linear Theory of Bifurcation Transformations of Crystalline Lattice Structures

  • 3
  • 762
  • Страницы: 71-79