No 1, Vol. 44, 2020
Год: 2020 Том: 44 Выпуск: 1
Страниц: 158
255 19388

On cracking in thick GaN layers grown on sapphire substrates

  • 20
  • 1342
  • Страницы: 1-7

Two scale homogenization in ternary locally resonant metamaterials

  • 32
  • 1176
  • Страницы: 8-18

Probing of polycrystalline magnesium at ultrasonic frequencies by mechanical spectroscopy

  • 14
  • 1260
  • Страницы: 19-25

Interaction of impurity atoms of light elements with vacancies and vacancy clusters in fcc metals

  • 20
  • 1181
  • Страницы: 26-33

Deposition kinetics and boundary layer theory in the chemical vapor deposition of β-SiC on the surface of C/C composite

  • 17
  • 1327
  • Страницы: 34-47

Strain-hardening effect on critical strain assessment of pipe plastic bending at buckling

  • 8
  • 1093
  • Страницы: 48-60

Homogeneous horizontal and vertical seismic barriers: mathematical foundations and dimensional analysis

  • 31
  • 1372
  • Страницы: 61-65

Hyperbolic two temperature fractional order one dimensional thermoelastic model heated by a pulse of laser

  • 8
  • 1085
  • Страницы: 66-76

Hybrid acoustic panel: the effect of fiber volume fraction and panel thickness

  • 6
  • 1111
  • Страницы: 77-82

Structural transformation of HCP metallic nanowireusing cleri-rosato potential

  • 7
  • 1177
  • Страницы: 83-93

Numerical optimization of the cantilever piezoelectric generator

  • 23
  • 1322
  • Страницы: 94-102

Single-walled carbon nanotube as a nanoscale quantum system

  • 15
  • 1170
  • Страницы: 103-109

Structure and properties of nanoporous oxide dielectrics modified by carbon

  • 9
  • 1027
  • Страницы: 110-115

Pair interaction of coaxial circular prismatic dislocation loops in elastic solids with spherical surfaces

  • 14
  • 1182
  • Страницы: 116-124

Crystallographic orientation, delay time and mechanical constants influence on thermal fatigue strength of single - crystal nickel superalloys

  • 13
  • 1212
  • Страницы: 125-136


  • 18
  • 1351
  • Страницы: 137-158