Composition and contact angle of Au-III-V droplets on top of Au-catalyzed III-V nanowires

  • 6
  • 957
  • Страницы: 1-7

The effect of lithium perchlorate on poly (sodium 4-styrenesulfonate): studies based on morphology, structural and electrical conductivity

  • 9
  • 883
  • Страницы: 8-17

Dissipation energy during brittle crack propagation in a single crystal of 3%Si-Fe alloy

  • 6
  • 880
  • Страницы: 18-38

Growth of SiC films by the method of substitution of atoms on porous Si (100) and (111) substrates

  • 32
  • 1408
  • Страницы: 39-52

Approach to obtaining medium carbon steel wire with a specified set of mechanical properties after combined deformational processing

  • 5
  • 942
  • Страницы: 53-59

Study of texture and microstructure formation in medium carbon steel wire submitted to combined deformation by drawing with bending and twisting

  • 4
  • 825
  • Страницы: 60-66

On the behavior of materials with defective coating under different contact conditions

  • 4
  • 940
  • Страницы: 67-75

Electroducing polymer composites based on high density polyethylene and technical-carbon

  • 15
  • 1136
  • Страницы: 76-84

Molecular dynamics investigation of grain boundaries tensions in triple junctions in nickel

  • 3
  • 867
  • Страницы: 85-91

Investigation of the possibility of improving the X-ray fluorescence spectrometer analytical characteristics due to using the superfine beryllium foils

  • 7
  • 983
  • Страницы: 92-99

Investigation of the process of deformation and destruction of thin beryllium foils under static loading by external pressure

  • 4
  • 944
  • Страницы: 100-113

Destruction of the adhesion zone by combined pulsed - vibrational impacts

  • 6
  • 843
  • Страницы: 114-118

On the mesoscopic mechanisms of spall fracture

  • 4
  • 1138
  • Страницы: 121-130

On Macrokinetics under Dynamic Superplasticity

  • 3
  • 836
  • Страницы: 131-136

Approximate analytical approach in analyzing an orthotropic rectangular plate with a crack

  • 7
  • 875
  • Страницы: 137-141

Stress-strain state in the corner points of a clamped plate under uniformly distributed normal load

  • 3
  • 893
  • Страницы: 142-146

Defining relations of mechanics of damaged media effected by fatigue and creep

  • 2
  • 912
  • Страницы: 147-153