Год: 2017
Том: 32
Выпуск: 2
Страниц: 134
Последние выпуски
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 6
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 5
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 4
- 2024, Том 52 Выпуск 3
The simulation of carbon nanotubes as macromolecular coils: interfacial adhesion
- 3
- 1200
- Страницы: 103-107
The study of the interaction of hydrogen impurity with point and linear defects in palladium and nickel
- 11
- 1314
- Страницы: 117-122
An effective method to find Green's functions for layered media
- 17
- 1391
- Страницы: 133-143
Copper crystals with fragmented structure and developed surface in temperature fields
- 1
- 1332
- Страницы: 144-151
Shock-induced structural instabilities and spall-strength of maraging steels
- 6
- 1395
- Страницы: 152-164
Defects in thin epitaxial layers of (AlхGa1-х)2O3 grown on Al2O3 substrates
- 8
- 1465
- Страницы: 178-185
Study of antireflection coatings for high speed 1.3 -1.55 µm InGaAs/InP PIN photodetector
- 18
- 1495
- Страницы: 194-197
Synthesis of silver nanochains with a chemical method
- 3
- 1456
- Страницы: 198-206
Relaxation in resins with low-frequency mechanical cycling
- 7
- 1331
- Страницы: 207-212
On calculation of effective elastic properties of materials with cracks
- 5
- 1162
- Страницы: 213-221